Introducing Player Profiles

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Introducing Player Profiles

Player Profiles are coming next week in the Emerald Bear (1.2.0) update. They can be accessed by clicking on your own portrait at the top of the screen in the main menu, or by clicking the portrait of another player. You can also find it by clicking the “...” next to the name of a player in several different menus. Player Profiles will contain information about ranked match rating, rank (a.k.a. rank level for those familiar with the web leaderboards), and some statistics about matches.

Like our web leaderboards, elo (a rating system measuring skill level) is per faction per match size, meaning that you have a separate rating and rank for 4v4 American and 1v1 American. The reason for this is to encourage players to experiment with different factions and strategies without impacting their score for the others. We understand that you may have a favorite and don't want you to lose standing for switching it up once in a while!  


Overview of the Player Profile 


Example statistics from 4vs4 Quick Match. 


Your profile will also contain info about Co-op vs A.I. although this mode does not have a rating. You can still measure your wins and losses and track hours played per faction.  


Example statistics from the Co-op vs A.I. selection. 

You can jump directly to the web leaderboards from the player profile, which we hope helps the visibility of our competitive community and also helps new players join in the competition. 

Some additional changes coming along with Player Profiles include: 

  • Players now have ranking for their quick match elo rating (see below). 

  • Updated artwork for faction icons. 

  • Added elo rating, rating change, and rank icons to the post match stats screen. Only the current player's change will be shown, but all players' elo and rank is displayed. 


The updated Match Stats will show ELO loss and gain. 


Ranking System 

Multiplayer quick match rating now gives players a League and Tier rank based on their elo as follows. This corresponds with the "rank levels" previously displayed on the leaderboard. 

Placement -- New players start here! Play a few matches and you will move into a specific league and tier. You will need 10 matches for each faction in a specific game mode to earn a rank. 

  • Brass III: 0-299 rating 
  • Brass II: 300-599 rating 
  • Brass I: 600-799 rating 
  • Bronze III: 800-999 rating 
  • Bronze II: 1000-1049 rating 
  • Bronze I: 1050-1099 rating 
  • Iron III: 1100-1149 rating 
  • Iron II: 1150-1199 rating 
  • Iron I: 1200-1249 rating 
  • Silver III: 1250-1299 rating 
  • Silver II: 1300-1349 rating 
  • Silver I: 1350-1399 rating 
  • Gold III: 1400-1499 rating 
  • Gold II: 1500-1599 rating 
  • Gold I: 1600+ rating, but not in the top 50 players per leaderboard 
  • Challenger V: 1600+ rating, top 50 players 
  • Challenger IV: 1600+ rating, top 25 players 
  • Challenger III: 1600+ rating, top 10 players 
  • Challenger II: 1600+ rating, top 5 players 
  • Challenger I: 1600+ rating, current top player.


Player Profiles FAQ 

Q: Ranking? I thought this was an unranked mode!  

A: This was a difficult choice for us. While we would love to have a separate ranked mode, we also want to support players who queue for Co-op vs. AI plus all the different combinations of faction and match size for both Multiplayer PvP and Co-op. Each queue splits the player base and has the potential to lengthen queue times. We know that you value shorter queue times and don't want to lengthen them by splitting the queues even more. In addition, we are currently sticking to the historical realism of enforcing Axis vs. Allies, so it is possible for one side or the other to have a longer wait time. Adding a separate queue would put more pressure on this. Instead, we've opted to keep a single set of multiplayer queues and changed the wording in-game to remove references to "unranked" as this was misleading. 

We already have web leaderboards for the quick match queue, and we intend to maintain that. It made more sense to expose the fact that quick match is ranked in a way that is easily accessible in the game, rather than it being a feature that players discover through the community.  

Q: Will you reset the leaderboards?  

A: This was another tricky one. We've decided not to reset the leaderboards at this time. Although there was not an in-game ranking system before, members of our competitive community worked hard to top the web leaderboards and we don't want to reset progress without a reason such as changing the underlying way that ranks are calculated. Since the release of player profiles does not change the underlying system, only expose it, it did not make sense to reset everyone's progress. 

Q: Ranks? Leagues? Does this mean there will be seasons or seasonal resets?  

A: Currently, no. We were focused on adding player profiles as soon as possible, as this was one of the big community requests we've been getting since the game launched. It was more important to us to get this into players' hands sooner rather than develop a more complex seasonal system. This means that for now elo is persistent and does not reset. It also means that placement is a one-time status per leaderboard. 

Source: G2G